Tuesday, March 25, 2008

George vs. Henry

On Friday morning, we got up at 8:00 and rushed around the house finishing up the cleaning. Henry wandered around aimlessly, as usual, and fell asleep again here and there before we decided we probably should take the kid outside.

Joey drew the short straw, so he called Henry over to the door and opened it up. Henry stopped dead in his his tracks. Outside the door sat George, the cat monstrosity.

"Jenna, George is outside," he called to me.

I completely freaked out, as usual, and ran haphazardly to get the camera. I handed it carefully to Joey and said, "Take tons of pictures."

He took four. (Only four!) Then he called Henry back to the door and tried to get him to go outside. Henry would have none of it. Joey carried him outside and set him down at the top of the stairs. Henry just sat there looking at George and refusing to move. Joey finally had to pick him up, carry him downstairs to do his thing, then carry him back upstairs.

"Wimp," Joey muttered to Henry. He set him down at the top of the stairs again and, just as he did so, George whipped out his paw and popped Henry in the cheek with his claws. Henry yelped and ran inside.
George: 1
Henry: 0

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