Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A rare picture of a photographer in the wild

This past weekend we had an SF retreat in Scroggins, TX (couldn't resist) and more pictures will be coming later. (Probably later in the week, actually.)

But when Joey and I were looking through the few pictures we took, we came across the one I'm about to show you.

"Woah!" he said, "A picture of Laura! Without a camera!"

"That is indeed rare," I concurred.

I think it's a cute picture. And since this is my blog and I can do whatever I want, I'm posting it.


  1. First off - four blogs in one day - slow it down! My Google Reader needs to recover.

    Secondly - I'm pretty sure I'm only the big bertha camera (sorry to any of your readers name Bertha) in the right hand which can't be seen - but if you'd like to think of this as a picture of me without a camera - it's your blog - go right ahead!

    So glad I have ya'll for friends to take pictures of me!

  2. I meant to say "HOLDING" not "ONLY" in the comment above. And I probably should have said "four POSTS in one day" not "four BLOGS."
    And, maybe I should start proofreading my comments before committing them to the internet archives. Oh well.
