Thursday, March 13, 2008

Look, Ma, New Eyes!

What y'all have been waiting for. (I'm sure...) It's the long-anticipated pictures of Joey and I in our new glasses! Except you'll have to wait on the sunglasses...they're still being made. They take like two weeks.

It was windy. And I was feeling shifty.

I told you it was windy.

Joey is worried you won't like his new glasses. But I like them; I think they are...Geek Chic.

He's tough and mean.

But this is how he looks most of the time

The sun was bright

Henry looks like a sassy snob, I think

And he just looks traumatized in this one, it's probably my favorite. Majorly windblown cheek.


  1. You both look very hip and modern! Beautiful and handsome as always :-)


  2. Very nice guys!! Prada, humm...Jenna is snobby now! I am actually getting some today and trying to update, but it is kinda hard by yourself. I might test you some pics when I am there tonight for opinions. Anyways then I can appear in public with glasses that I feel fine appearing in public with.
    Hey when in the summer are you coming anyways!

  3. Nice Specs! I dig 'em - both of them...very trendy. I always wished I had glasses, I even wore "fake" ones for awhile in High School to trick myself into thinking I didn't have 20/10. But, that didn't work very well. I could still see fine. :)Actually, I was a secretary in the play "Father of the Bride." So, I had to wear them and I felt very cool. They were much like Joey's. Wanting glasses when you don't need them is much like wanting curly hair when yours is straigt or wanting braces when every other 7th grader had them but you. I got my braces, though...a year later, in 8th grade, when it wasn't cool anymore.
    Enjoy seeing in style! :)
