Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why Daylight Saving Time Freaks Me Out About Motherhood

I am not pregnant.  But being a woman (wait, do I count as a woman?) in her mid-twenties with a husband in the middle of seminary and no children yet, sometimes impending motherhood gets on the brain and then posts like these occur.

When it comes to Daylight Saving Time, I like to be Very Prepared.  I plan ahead and change all the clocks as soon as we're done with dinner the night before so that Joey and I can go to bed on the new time. It really feels much more restful to change the clocks in the early evening instead of just changing the alarms right before falling asleep.  But I digress. 

I get a little bit too into changing the time and, just to be sure that my clocks didn't eek forward a minute or two over the last 6 months and to double check that I changed them correctly, I like to take my cell phone around and sync all my clocks to that, but 5 minutes fast.  (Because it's horrible to be late!)

This time, though, I forgot the whole cell phone bit.  I changed all the clocks on Saturday evening and woke up before my alarm on Sunday morning.  I set about to baking 3 loaves of pumpkin bread and putting a roast in the crock pot while Joey lolled around in bed mostly sleeping but occasionally making little exclamations about how much he hated Daylight Saving Time and couldn't he please go back to sleep?

I sent Henry in to lick him awake.

Just as we were getting ready to leave for church and I was finishing applying my eyeliner, I remembered something.  "JOEY!  Can you go around with your cell phone and make sure all the clocks are set to exactly 5 minutes fast?"

"Um, sure," Joey said gamely and went to do exactly that.  "Everything is 5 minutes fast," he reported.  He's a very good sport for my neurotic Daylight Saving Time issues.  Actually he's a good sport for all of my issues.

But this makes me worried.

If I'm so freaked out about my clocks being synced to the cell phone (which gets its time pulled down from a satellite) and then being precisely 5 minutes fast...am I going to be one of those horrible moms that everyone gossips about who is like "Wash your hands before you even look at my child" or "Is that gift made from organic cotton?  If it's not organic cotton you're going to have to take it back because I don't want any toxic chemicals on my child" or "Please remove your shoes when you enter my house and don't speak.  Instead of talking, we will converse by writing on this paper with these soft, soundless markers; The Child is sleeping and I'd simply hate to wake her up."

Heaven preserve us all if I turn into that kind of mother.  (But I count on Laura to soundly kick me if anything like that begins to happen.)


  1. Look - I clicked through to your blog. I've discovered the trick - write fascinating enough stuff and people will want to leave the comfort of their blog readers, come to your blog, and POST A COMMENT!

    Am I the Laura you are referring to? Or do you have another close friend by the same name of whom i am not aware. Because if you are referring to me - the heck yes - you can trust me to kick you mommy butt into reality! Only because I can relate! I started cleaning my desk at work every day after hearing that eating at your desk breeds tons of germs. That last a week, until I ran out of clorox wipes. Then I stopped putting lemons slices in my water at restaurants because of the horrible bacteria, but that only lasted two days because my water was too bland. All in all, I've decided that life is full of germs and if you don't let other people hold your baby you're going to go crazy and your arms will get tired. So, count on me to talk loudly in your home while your baby is sleeping and put at least one disposable diaper on the little Woestman hiney (whenever a little Woestman decides to grace us with their presence.) ;-)

    And, I just wrote the longest blog comment possible!

  2. Are you SURE you're not pregnant??



  3. Jenna, I have to say I have been a bit of that kind of mother. (in the past)
    Luckily, I can give you a little advice so that you don't have to go through that! It did actually hurt parts of my life, how much I tried to have it perfect for Autumn, so... you can learn from my mistakes :)

    To keep from tiptoing around your house while the baby sleeps, put a fan (or white noise machine) in the baby's room! (at least when they are older if not as a newborn). I didn't do that for Autumn until before Austin was born, and I wish I would have. I remember hushing Raun a lot, and that is not cool. Even little things like opening a bag of chips. So, hopefully that helps!
