Monday, March 10, 2008

The Jenna Wears Prada

"Our insurance covers a ton of money for glasses," I told Joey.

"Awesome. Schedule some appointments, I want to get prescription sunglasses."

And so I did. Today at 3:30 we found ourselves at the eye doctor getting retinal scans and reading from a chart of fuzzy letters. Then we were released into the eyeglasses room to select the perfect frames.

Hmm...if I have X amount of dollars and it's use it or lose it...I'm getting ridiculously expensive frames. I thought as I surveyed the selection in front of me. I stood in front of the Versace frames trying to decide if I liked any of them.

I didn't.

So I moved to the Coach section. (This seemed like a great solution to me because then they'd match my handbag.) I found a pair I liked and stuck it in my "save for later" pile and worked my way over to Burberry.

After exhausting the selection of the aforementioned plus Vera Wang, Candies and BCBG, I found myself drawn to Prada.

The Devil wears Prada... I thought, but decided I was willing to overlook that. (Don't be sad, Mom.) I picked out four pairs of flashy glasses and added them to my pile. My favorite pair was studded on the sides with black Swarovski crystals. And it cost half a Grand; I am not even kidding you.

"You'll be about...$120 over your limit once you add frames and the office visit," the Optician told me.

"Nuts." I sighed.

He gave me a figure I could work with and, bearing that in mind, I began winnowing out the $500 pairs of frames. It was a difficult process, but I was equal to the task. My final two were down to a pair of Coach frames and a pair of tortoise colored Prada frames.

Joey and I went back and forth for awhile, but finally settled on the Pradas. They look like this.
I'm not sure if I'm embarrassed or not about the fact that they say PRADA right on the side or not. I haven't decided yet. In any case, I spent all of my allowance for frames and lenses and had $50 left. Don't you think that was economical on my part?

My favorite Joey got a great pair of lightweight gunmetal-colored frames - not plastic this time! - and a very schnazzy pair of prescription Oakleys for running around outdoors, riding his bike and the like.

They'll be in on Wednesday. We'll take pictures with our new eyes when we get 'em.

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