Monday, March 10, 2008

Update on the keyboard situation

The squeaky keyboard was just replaced.  I feel so much more sane and stealthy now...NO ONE CAN HEAR MY TYPING!

When I was upstairs ten minutes ago I ran into the guy who is supposed to change out my keyboard. "WHERE is it?  I can't handle it anymore?" I begged.

"Oh, it'll be another 2-3 days," he replied.  He had ordered me a fancy ergonomic one.

"I can't...I can't wait that long.  Just give me something now."  (Looking back on it, that sounds like something a drug addict might say...)

"Well in that case I'll just give you something from the storage room. I'll bring it down after you leave later."

Really, that was all I wanted in the first place. 

"THANK you," I said with an exceptional amount of relief.

My desperation must have come across more strongly than I intended, because not a moment after I came back downstairs there he came with a new keyboard.

"This will tide you over until your new one comes in later in the week,"  he said with a pacifying smile.

"I don't even care if the ergonomic one never makes it in," I said with a sigh of relief as I sat down and began to type soundlessly.

Monday has just been saved!

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