Monday, March 10, 2008

The Squeaky Keyboard Gets Replaced

Somehow I wound up with a keyboard that squeaks when I type.  Not nice little newborn kitten type squeaks, but fingernails on the chalkboard type squeaks.  And just the ASDF side.  The JKL: side is just fine.

After two weeks of enduring the grating squeakishness of my keyboard, I couldn't take it anymore.  "Can anyone else but me hear that?!"  I wailed one afternoon.  To my surprise (and affirmation that I was not going crazy) two people said yes, they could and it was driving them nuts.

I immediately requested a new keyboard.  "I don't even care what kind it is," I said, "Just get me a new keyboard before I go stark raving mad!"  I really wanted one of those fancy ergonomic ones but decided, "If it takes extra time to get one of those in, skip it.  I just want one that's non-squeaky."

"We'll get you on on Monday or Tuesday," was my reply.

And so here it is.  Monday at 12:00 and I'm waiting for my keyboard replacement.  I'm starting to lose my patience, too, because it is BEYOND IRRITATING.  This Monday really doesn't have much to recommend itself.  I mean, check out its laundry list of things that stink about it:

  • It's Daylight (Loser) Saving Time which means that I was unable to go to sleep at a rational hour last night because I wasn't tired, but was forced by my alarm clock to wake up at what was not two days ago 4:00 a.m!  And we didn't even wind up staying up, we went back to sleep.
  • It's cloudy and dark and so I'm wondering where all the extra light I'm got up early for is hiding
  • I feel guilty for skipping the gym this morning and am trying to resist the urge to drink a caffeinated soda
  • My keyboard is still squeaking
I think I'm mentally fragile today.  But I will likely recover as soon as I see my new keyboard...

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