Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Poor Dad

This morning I had a revelation.

"Joey, maybe we should vote for Hillary Clinton tonight.  You know, just to mix it up a bit.  Keep the Democratic race viable for a little bit longer and all."

"Yeah, maybe..."  he was brushing his teeth.

We already know who we're going to vote for and, just in case you're wondering, it's NOT Hillary Clinton.  (shivers...)  But it might be kind of fun to vote for someone who creeps us out once in awhile.  I mean, it's not the general election or anything. 

PLUS I know it would really cheese off my Pops.  (I'm kind of curious to know if I'd be permanently out of the will or just mostly out of the will for something like that.)  As the family Problem Child I sometimes feel it is my duty to come up with bad stuff to do.

We've got a couple hours yet until we have to decide, but it's kind of tempting...

1 comment:

  1. I do believe you would be outcast, at least for a little while :) Mom W.
