Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Snow In March

It snowed last night.  After a weekend of 75 degree weather, it snowed on Monday night; our first snow of the entire winter season! 

On our way home from our respective offices, I informed Joey that I would be putting on sweats, socks, and several shirts of varying thicknesses when we got home, regardless of the fact that Joey had invited his friend/coworker/boss over for dinner and to study.  I immediately headed to put on my warm comfies as soon as we got home.  Just as I finished straightening the color on my bright green "Keepin' It Rural" t-shirt (which was over my pink long-sleeved shirt and gray sweats) he came in looking for me. As soon as he saw me, he started laughing.

"That," I said, "Is not a nice thing to do."

"I totally did not expect you to be wearing that," he said sensitively.

"Well, I am."  I said, and flounced into the closet where I put on my pink shearling slippers.  "I'm extremely warm."

Joey was still snickering as I left the room and went to start making dinner in the kitchen.  Soon he came to his senses, turned up the heat and started a beautiful fire in the fireplace.

After baking some delicious cookies and watching an episode of MacGyver, we went to stand by the sliding glass door and look outside.

"Do you think that's snow?" I asked.

"Yes, it's snow."

"No, I don't think it is."  I replied.

"It's snow.  Can't you see it falling slowly?"

"No, there's no way that's snow....I think maybe it's sleet"  (Do you ever just feel like you have to disagree with everything someone else says?  It felt like one of those.)

We stood at the window staring out for some moments before Joey announced that we were going to put on our Columbia jackets (for the first time this year) and go outside for a walk.  He would brook no objections.  And so that is why at 9:45 p.m. yesterday Joey, Henry and I went for a walk.

"WOW!"  I shrieked as soon as I opened the door, "It's snowing!"

I thought I heard an "I told you so" from behind me, but I know my husband loves me and would never say such a thing.

The snow was drifting down in delicate, white flakes and melting the moment it touched the ground.

"I can't believe it's snowing!"  I shrieked again, putting my face up to the sky and letting the snow land on it and melt.

"You're acting like you've never seen snow before!"  Joey teased me.

"I haven't seen any here this year," I explained.  (The stuff in Iowa doesn't count since we don't get to live there anymore and it snows all the time in the winter.) 

Henry was decidedly unimpressed by the snow and the wet ground it created.  (But then he's spoiled and he smells like socks, so we don't really give his opinions much weight.)  We walked halfway around the parking lot before Joey decided it was OK to turn around.  The fire wasn't completely out in our fireplace, after all.

"I'm sure we'll have a snow day tomorrow," announced Joey as we climbed the stairs and shook the snow off our coats.

"Don't hold your breath, honey, it's not even sticking except to the rooftops."

"No, it will be super snowy and icy," he insisted.  "We'll be housebound and get to sleep in and loaf around all day."

Well, it was 35 when we woke up with nary a snowflake left on the ground, and is currently 48.6 out there...so now snow day for us.  But a very fun treat for the first week in March!

1 comment:

  1. We on the other hand have had over 50 inches total snow for the season, so far! Mom W.
