Monday, March 03, 2008

The Texas Primary - my public service announcement

Being politically minded and all, after months and months of waffling back and forth between candidates and parties I have finally made up my mind for whom I will vote tomorrow in the Texas primary.  Joey and I discussed it this morning and, conveniently, we have picked the same person.  (I wasn't quite sure what to do if we'd wound up with two different parties, but fortunately I don't have to worry about that now.)

And so, being a native Iowan, tomorrow I will cast my very first primary vote ever.  But for those of you Texans who are registered to vote and don't know where to go to do so, or who to vote for, check out the Secretary of State's page.  It has polling locations, a summary of what's on each party's ballot and a link to the Texas Democrats and Texas Republicans pages.

I like voting.

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