Monday, March 31, 2008

Why April Will Stink

Just a glimpse into part of the weekend at the Woestman house.  Joey was working on a gargantuan paper and I was bored.  He was in the study and I was in the living room.  Pretty much the entire conversation took place on opposite sides of the house with the two of us hollering back and forth because I had a case of The Boreds so bad that I was incapable of moving from my chair.  (And if Gail Showman heard me say that she'd tell me to go sweep the floor, so it's a good thing she doesn't read this blog.)

Me:  Are you done yet?
Joey:  No.  I have...8 more points left.
Me: trying to read a book but putting it down  How long will 8 points take?
Joey:  Probably two hours.
Me:  Two hours?!  Gosh...that paper is wicked long.  I'm bored.

And, once the floor sweeping word (that would be "bored" for those of you who didn't grow up sweeping Gail's floor just about every Saturday) was uttered, I knew I had to do something.  So I tried to fold the towels.  It took about three times longer than normal because I kept getting distracted by things.  Then I started another load of laundry and considered folding the sheets I had taken out of the dryer.  That was clearly too much effort, so I left them on the floor (I KNOW!!) and went back to my chair to holler back and forth across the house with Joey.

Me:  Did you write some more?
Joey:  Yes.
Me:  Will you be done soon?
Joey:  Still about two hours.

Henry came over and tried to get me to play with him.  But I was too bored to exert the effort required to throw his chocolate covered strawberry toy across the house, so he finally just lay down at my feet.  I decided to order a pizza for dinner because it would require me to go get it.  So I did.  Henry and I left the house at 6:15 and didn't return until 7:15 because I got lost on the way to the pizza place and then found it, only to discover that I had ordered from a totally different location altogether.  Not to be deterred, I had them make me another pizza and I stayed there to wait for it.

After the pizza was consumed and the kitchen was cleaned up, I went into the office.

Me:  So...what about those Half Price Books coupons?
Joey:  I'm almost done.  Want me to go with?  Or maybe you could walk over now and then when you get back I'll be finished.
Me:  Good idea.

So I walked to Half Price books, bought two books which would have each been $13 dollars brand new for a total of $5.50, once the coupons were factored in, and came home.

Joey:  I finished my paper!
Me:  HOORAY!  Now I want you to sit on the couch and read a book for fun for awhile.  I will bake you cookies.
Joey:  OK!

And so he did, and I did.

I'm going to have to come up with something to do the next couple weekends besides hang out with my superfun husband because I think I'm probably a distracting annoyance.  Bring on the first week in May!

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