Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Bran Muffins

Last night I got some potentially sad news. I decided that I really had two options:
1.) Be sad. Be very, very sad even though the extent of the sad news is not yet known.
2.) Wait until we figure out how sad (or not sad) the news winds up being so that, when the time is right, I can be appropriately sad.

After some deliberation, I chose Option 2. It made more sense to me to do more praying about the sad news than sit on the couch glumly when I wasn't even really sure how sad to be. And since Lairds (and I am genetically a Laird) tend to be Worst Case Scenario type people I knew I had better move on to other things or I would blow everything out of proportion and reduce myself to drivel. So I baked bran muffins. With raisins.

I was quite pleased with the recipe since it required bran, applesauce, and very little butter. I put in whole wheat flour instead of white. I soaked the raisins in water so they were nice and juicy. (Joey's now gagging as he reads this.) I generously scooped the batter into the well-greased muffin tin and soon they were baking in the oven.

The kitchen was, of course, a giant mess. But that's the point of baking bran muffins when one is saddish about something that hasn't happened yet - it requires one to do something productive instead of blithering around and making oneself sick with worrying about tomorrow. (For tomorrow will worry about itself...Matt 6:24)

So I cleaned it up and enjoyed the cinnamon-molassesy smell of my delicate bran muffins baking in the oven. I pulled them out just a minute before they were "done" so the insides were still moist and deliciously crumby. Because I planned to take these with me tomorrow morning, I sliced one open so I could taste test.

"Those," called Joey from the study, "Smells awesome."

"Thanks! Want one?" I asked.

"Um...I better not. I'd hate to spit out a raisin and offend you."

And so I enjoyed my bran muffin all by myself and ceased my "worrying about tomorrow". Joey and I prayed about it together instead.

So, really, three good things happened last night.
1.) Joey and I went on a walk
2.) I made bran muffins, which are delish
3.) I stopped worrying

1 comment:

  1. That's encouraging...worry is so pointless, you're right.

    I once had a friend tell me (and this was before I was a Christian) that worrying is double bad and here's why:

    1. If you worry about something before it's happened (as you have mentioned) then you've only worried for no reason, if it doesn't even get as bad as you worried about.

    2. If you worry and something does happen, maybe the very thing you've worried about, then you've only worried over it and then experienced it and it's like a double whammy.

    So, even logic says, "don't worry." But, we have something greater than that...which you mentioned as Matthew 6:24.

    Thanks for sharing your victory, Jenna!
