Tuesday, April 08, 2008

In Which Joey Gets Insulted By The Saleslady

Last night Joey and I went to the mall to return something.  I had planned to go by myself but he literally begged me to come along (does that sound like homework avoidance to anyone else?) and so off we went to NorthPark.  

As we neared our destination, the Clinique counter, Joey said "Um...I'll sort of go stand over there" and veered sharply off to the right, somewhere over past the shoe department.

I completed my transaction in very little time at all and was rather surprised to find Joey standing right outside Clinique-land looking sheepish.

"Hey babe, ready to go to the Apple store?" I asked. He was, of course.  That was his one request, that we visit the Apple store.

"So while you were taking back your thing, I went over to look at watches," he told me.

"Yeah?" I said, thinking that this story could be going someplace expensive.

"And the saleslady behind the counter came over to help me and asked me if I was 15!!"

"NO."  I gasped.

"Yes, she did.  Then I kind of tried to laugh it off for her so she wouldn't be so embarrassed, and mentioned that I was just waiting for my wife to finish something.  She was all shocked that not only was I not 15, but I was married, too."

"Yeah, I bet..."

Poor, poor Joey.  I mean, he was wearing a t-shirt, but I don't think that makes him look 15.  I think he looks very mature and responsible, thank you very much.

1 comment:

  1. As his father used to say, it might be embarassing now to be thought you are 10 years younger, but when you are 40 or 50 it's great.
    Joey's Mom
