Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Jamba Juice

Yesterday Laura sent an email around informing everyone that today Jamba Juice is free from 6-10 a.m.  Joey and I figured that we wouldn't be able to go since we had this ridiculous cardio class at the gym this morning from 6-7, then Joey had class at 7:45 and I had to be at work by 8. 

To make a long and sort of boring story short, Joey and I both decided we could not miss out on the Jamba Juice opportunity.  So we loaded up into our cars at 7:35 and drove over to the nearest shop.  (Joey had decided to just show up late for class.  Model student.)

There were no "FREE" signs outside the store, but the doors were open and there were 2 people in line.

"How do we know if it's free?"  I whispered to Joey and Laura.

"There's a large banana outside," Laura whispered.

I looked at Laura, really not sure what she was talking about.

"Someone is wearing a banana suit," she said.  "That probably means it's free."

She pointed outside and I saw that yes, there was someone dressed up in a banana costume waving at cars zipping past.  Every time I see someone in a banana costume from now on I will assume that free and delicious things are close by.

We ordered our free drinks and as we waited for them, we noticed a stack of bread squares in little plastic containers.  They seemed like samples.

"Are those free?" Laura asked me.

"Well....I'll take one and eat it.  If I get in trouble, then it wasn't free.  If I don't get in trouble, then it must have been free."

We determined this to be a good course of action and, based on the fact that we didn't get in trouble, the bread squares were free.  It was cranberry-orange bread with sunflower seeds on top, so it had two major strikes against it in Joey's book.  He did not sample/pilfer any of the bread.

Free Jamba Juice drinks in hand, the three of us walked proudly out to our vehicles.  Joey took our car and went to class (very, very late indeed) and Laura and I headed down to work in her Jeep.  On the elevator up from the parking garage, I somehow managed to suction the straw from my juice so tightly to my upper lip that I had a very difficult time getting it off.  It still sort of hurts.

So far it has been a pretty good morning, and it's only 8:30!  Good thing I get free Chic-Fil-A for lunch today too...Do you think they'll have Cheetos?  That would totally make this day a trifecta.

1 comment:

  1. now i get it! a bunch of students were later to class yesterday and they all had jamba juices! i thought this was a very odd coincidence and wished i had some of my own...i still have never had one.
