Monday, April 07, 2008

Communion Wafers

Faith Bible Church, where I grew up in Iowa, has the coolest communion wafers. They're thin and crispy and when they're broken into bits they resemble the 50 nifty United States.  You can always find one of the states in your communion wafer at Faith Bible Church.  I'm not even kidding.

For as far back as I can remember, the minute I got my Communion wafer I'd decide which state it looked like, and then I'd pray.  Within a few years, I had all my sibs looking for states in their communion wafers.  (My favorite ones so far have been Maryland,  Kentucky and Mississippi.)  Mom was always extremely chagrined to find her four naughty children flipping their wafers around and backwards trying to decide which state they got this time.

(If any of the pastors or former pastors are reading this, the jig is up.  They'll be on to us next time.)

Many of you know that we've been church-hunting lately down here in Dallas.  The good news is that we found one, Grace Bible Church.  Yesterday was Communion Sunday.  Most of the churches we've visited on Communion day have had those little Chiclet type squares for their Communion wafers, and I think those are lame.  First of all, you have two options: Wyoming and Colorado, and second of all, they get stuck in your teeth.  (But cool Communion wafers really aren't the point of Communion.)

So as they were passing the plate of crackers yesterday, I was pleased to note that they were matzos.  Not quite as good as the onces FBC has, but they were a close second.  What was even more exciting was that I instantly saw that I had gotten Minnesota.

"Look, it's Minnesota!"  I whispered to Joey.

He flipped his around once or twice and then said, "Mine's Nevada.  Wait,I think yours actually looks more like Michigan," he hissed, breaking off a tiny piece of his wafer and putting it on the very top of mine, forming the UP.

"You can't do that.  You can't edit your wafer to make it be the state you want," I whispered back, making up rules on the fly.

Sometimes I am fairly certain that I'll be a real controversial pastor's wife.

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