Monday, April 07, 2008

Ya gotta be kidding me - restraining order?!

To put this as tactfully as possible, we have this former neighbor (she got evicted for reasons which will become apparent) who had this little obsession problem with us, namely Joey and Henry.  She pretty much just hates me now because back in September we asked her to leave us alone.  She figures this was all my doing and still worships the ground Joey walks on.  Henry too.

Anyway, she was evicted in December for harassing numerous other tenants and we were overjoyed.  We thought she would finally leave us alone since she had disregarded all of our previous polite requests.

Well, friends, turns out she hasn't been.

On Saturday I went to a bridal shower and took the car.  We only have one car, so if the casual observer (or middle-aged stalker lady) were to glance at the parking lot, they might think "Oh, the Woestmans aren't home".  This is exactly what former neighbor thought when she drove into our parking lot.  This analysis complete, she parked her car in the corner of the lot by our windows, rolled down hers and began yelling, "Henry, Henry, oh how are you?" up into our open windows.

But Joey was sitting at his desk, just out of sight, and as soon as he heard her he swooped down and grabbed Henry away from the window.  We already sort of assumed she was doing this, but now that we have caught her in the act, we decided to report it to our leasing office and the security firm for our housing complex.

The business manager at our leasing office was shocked, horrified, and suggested that we go to our nearest Police precinct and make an incident report in order to begin the processes for a restraining order.

A what?!

"She's really disturbed," our business manager told me, "And I recommend calling the police immediately the next time you see her.  Before something worse happens." 


I really think the police have better things to do than follow around a woman in her early 50s who has obsession issues.

So I made a report with our security firm and they felt dreadfully sorry for me.  They said they'd step up patrols and hopefully catch her in the act since everyone is so familiar with her and what her car looks like.

Another day, another drama.  (We just can't seem to keep it normal, can we?)  I'll definitely let you know if she gets caught and hauled off by the police for trespassing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word Jenna!!! That is SUPER scary :( You can borrow our gun if you want! hahahahaha :) That is pretty creepy!
