Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Kid for President??

Some of you Google Reader people may not realize this, but I have a poll going for who should be the next President. So far the top two people are John McCain (he has 10 votes) and Alex Laird who has 8 votes. Barack Obama has like 7 and Hillary Clinton, not surprisingly, has none. (This is what happens when a bunch of Republicans read your blog.)

It unnerves me that my squiggly little brother has more votes than Barack Obama. I mean, The Kid isn't nearly so charismatic as that he's not Senator of anything. I also think he wears mismatched socks, which I'm sure Barack Obama would never do.

Well, too bad The Kid isn't 35 yet. I'm also not convinced he is a natural born citizen. (I realize he is a born citizen - Mom will testify to that - it's the natural part I'm a little hesitant about.) So clearly he cannot run for President yet, but I figure that in, like, 20 years he'll be the man for the job.

The Kid, drop out of college and start forming your campaign. I will be your manager.

Oh for those of you a little bushed about how you can vote for Alex Laird in my poll but I'm talking about some kid named The Kid...Alex Laird is The Kid.


  1. I voted for The Kid...realizing he was Alex...and I don't think I'd mind a president with mismatched socks. For the record. :) :)

  2. Gosh, I've never worn mismatching socks!

  3. I'm actually disturbed that the Kid doesn't have WAY MORE votes than Barack Obama...
