Wednesday, April 09, 2008

It's Wednesday and on Wednesdays I get to drink a Pepsi; it's my rule.

So I just finished it - it was tasty, I love Pepsi - and the can is still sitting on my desk because I haven't taken it to the recycle bin yet.  I did just happen to notice, though, that Pepsi contains "natural flavors".

Natural flavors?  What in the world could possibly be natural about a can of Pepsi?  The flavor has nothing natural about it at all, which is why I like it. (Don't be sad, Mom.)  In fact, not an hour ago I was sitting here analyzing the delicious flavor of my Pepsi and trying to figure out why exactly I like it. 

I couldn't figure it out. 

Sister and I have discussed this at length and think the reason all us kids like Pepsi is because Pops brainwashed us as children.  After working at the apartments or mowing lawns, he'd take us for Pepsi and, if we were very good indeed, buy us Snickers bars too.  So I think somehow we have correlated "Pepsi" with "REWARD FOR BEING AWESOME" and I'm not sure that's always true.

So I blame my Pepsi affinity on Pops.  I wonder if he knows it has "natural flavors" in it.

1 comment:

  1. It's true. Pepsis are one of the biggest rewards you can give me and are quite a temptation as a result. I believe Pops reward system has also resulted in an affinity for Pepsi AND chocolate together, and the craving for one with the other. Stephen thinks it's disgusting that my favorite thing is Pepsi and a Butterfingers, brownie, or Oreo. I think it's awesome. Thanks Pops!
