Friday, April 11, 2008

My Friday Craving

I want one of these today.Joey bought me one once because every week at the market I'd look at them longingly. He'd read my mind and suggest that we buy one, but I'd turn him down because they're expensive. Finally, after months of suggesting it, he just put one in the cart when I wasn't looking.

Unfortunately, now I really, really like pomegranates. I mean, I liked them before, but now I love them. And I want to eat one today.

Mmmmm....they taste like summer.

The only bad part is you sort of look like a farmer when you are munching on the juice pods because they have seeds. So you'll munch, munch, munch and then have to spit them all out. Etc, etc, etc. I would be completely uncomfortable eating one of these little beauties in public. Joey thinks they're creepy, what with the seeds and all.

Sometimes I think he's creepy.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, yes...pomegranates...VERY tasty! And good for you! One of my faves, too. Pricey, yes, but they make a yummy and guiltless treat!
