Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Does this remind anyone else of college like it does me?

I had flashbacks for two reasons:
1. It's uncomfortably true of my alma mater's take on the whole experience, except that they didn't get the part where rebellion decreases with decreased supervision.
2. It's on a 3x5 card. Horrors.
3. BTW, this comes from Indexed.


Jamie Saylor said...

Where on earth is this from anyways? I remember a whole lot of 3x5s. :)

Unknown said...

wow. we won't mention any names, but THEY were far to the right of the "supervision" axis. and my rebellion is still recovering...

Greg said...

It reminds me of faith... you know, the mountain into the sea...
Never mind.
the rebellion thing still creeps into my life way too often.
I guess I need more supervision...or is it less...I never was very good at those chart thingies! LOL!

Sarah said...

Thought provoking, conversation stimulating...I have more to say in reply that a simple comment may not do. I sense a blog topic coming on. Maybe.