Friday, March 09, 2007

My Grand Solution To The Fact That The Kid Is Spoiled

In relation to The Kid's pie at least, I believe I have a solution.  I started the crust last night (there are several steps involved and it takes awhile with resting in the fridge and whatnot) so that I'd be able to build the pie either today or tomorrow.
And then it hit me.
THE KID will build the pie!  (Cherry pies are so difficult...)  You know that bible verse, he who doesn't work doesn't eat?  Yeah, I'm taking it totally out of context and applying it to The Kid and his pie.
If he don't help me build it, he don't eat it neithers.
(He won't be rolling out the crust, though, I draw the line there.  I'm totally still doing that part.)
I'm just doing my part to make the world a better place and make The Kid be less spoiled.  And I bet it's not working real well either.

1 comment:

Alex Laird said...



The "word verification" I got for this comment was "whimp"... I'm still cooler than you though!