Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Oregon Trail

Today at work I'm purely decorative. I really haven't got anything to do, so my main job is to sit here and look like I'm busy. I hate that, I super feel bad doing it...but you can only reorganize your files so many times before you can't find things in them anymore.

So today, I'm playing the old-school Oregon Trail game on the Internet. The Kid found it for me online and I just killed off me, Joey and three of our children in my first attempt at crossing the Rockies in probably 15 years.

Next time I'm going to be a banker so I can have more money to buy clothes and stuff. This hunting business is for the birds.

Friday, August 25, 2006


Why are elections in America always on a Tuesday? It seems kind of arbitrary.


So I think CW2 is mad at me today. I have been in this office for over an hour and a half and he has not said one single word to me; nay, he has not even looked my direction. This is unusual because usually he at least tells me what I've done wrong lately by now.

Normally I would not assume this pettiness from a guy would mean he's mad at me, but for those of you who know what I'm talking about...it makes sense.

I think it's kinda sad/funny. I wonder how long he/we can keep this up. Good thing I can amuse myself by strange little things, otherwise I might take it personally and go in the bathroom and cry.

But where's the fun in that?

Since I know I didn't do anything, I figure I can just be amused by his general sourpussness. Don't people like that ever just get tired of themselves? I know I would. So anyway, I'm off to see how long CW2 can go without talking/looking/acknowledging my presence. And this way, it's kind of fun.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Poor, poor Henry

This morning before work Joey and I held Henry up to the computer and took distorted pictures of him using PhotoBooth.

The result was...disturbing.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Henry's Favorites

Henry enjoys eating people food, and I don't mind if he does, as long as he doesn't get it by begging from the table. I make him do something really good and then I give him a people food treat.

Things he likes:
1. Carrots
2. Peanut Butter
3. Green Beans (but only the inside, somehow he manages to suck that part out and leave the skin)
4. Apples
5. Blueberries (he freaks out over these)
6. Raspberries
7. Canteloupe
8. Tuna
9. Ground Beef
10. Whole Wheat bread
11. Eggs
12. Broccoli
13. Bird seed (But he can't digest it at all, so I wish he didn't)
14. Mashed potatoes

Thing he doesn't like:
1. Popcorn
2. Pineapple
3. Peanuts

He seems odd to me. He likes his fruits and veggies...but not popcorn. Obviously he's not related to Sister or me--we LOVE our popcorn. :)

Monday, August 21, 2006


On Saturday I volunteered in the Millinery at Living History Farms again. It was a fantastic day, gray, cloudy and misty. (I loved it, anyway...it was a lot cooler to wear that big heavy dress.) I did slip on the boardwalk a time or two, but at least I didn't totally wipe out, which would have been really embarassing and indecorous.

After several lovely hours of sitting, visiting, sewing on my lovely deep blue and brown hat, and greeting visitors, I realized that all the water I'd been drinking was "visiting". That, and I wanted to go buy some 1875 period-approved earrings from the General Store up the boardwalk a ways.

I got directions to the nearest modern restroom (whew! some sites don't have them) and I was off.

They have hidden a modern restroom, lounge, and washing machine and dryer in the basement underneath the Tangen House in town. I was instructed to go up the walk, go to the left through the grass, and down into the "cellar".

I wasn't sure I could pull this off, I'd not been in the Tangen House but once before. But, armed with my brand new earrings, I set off to find the bathroom.

Fortunately, my fellow milliner gave excellent directions. There was a root cellar with one of the door propped open, and I went down the stairs, successfully not tripping on my skirt. The Tangen House must have been built on site, because it has a modern foundation and the basement is just like any other unfinished basement I'd ever seen before.

After I got lost a few times down there, I was ready to leave the world of 2006 and head back to the slow, peaceful days of 1875. I opened the door (that was labeled "Private" in old-timey writing) and stepped into the muted sunshine.

I looked up the stairs and saw four little boys and two men standing right at the cellar opening, staring intently down at me.

They cocked their heads and continued to stare at me.

I, flustered, looked at the steps. I realized, as I looked back up the steps at them, that they were probably not going to be moving anytime soon. They were still staring.

I was beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable.

One of the little boys poked one of the other little boys and stage-whispered, "I wonder if that's the bathroom, maybe that's why it says Private."

Well, he hit the nail right on the head. I wasn't about to tell him that, though. Deciding I really had no other option, I picked up my skirt and started up the stairs.

Naturally, I tripped.

Flustered, I tried again.

And...I tripped again.

The boys and their fathers still had not moved. I kept my head down and shouldered my way past them, without saying anything, and walked on to the Millinery, leaving a shocked group of little boys and fathers in my wake.

I think they actually thought I lived in 1875.

Friday, August 18, 2006


I'm doing vendor files right now. The stack of labels for me to apply to files was between 3 and 4 inches thick a week ago. I did some counting and figured out that it's roughly 2,280 labels that I need to stick on files.

I have, as of a few minutes ago, completed 1,900.

If my back didn't hurt so badly from hunching over for the past couple hours, I might feel pretty good about getting so many finished.
Not saying that I do or anything...but I think this shirt is pretty sweet.

If only it came in womens' sizes...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I Am Not a Mind Reader

Here is an actual telephone conversation that I had not moments ago.

Me: This is Jenna

CW4: What about time sheets?

Me: Um...what about time sheets? (At this point I need to mention that there are four different things he could be wanting to know about time sheets. I don't have the answer to any of those four things, since I don't do payroll, so I can't figure out why he is calling me in the first place.)

CW4: (annoyed sigh) Where are they?

Me: We have some in the office.

CW4: Can I get some down here for my employees? (Still really annoyed tone of voice)

Me: Sure, I'll put some in your box.

After I hung up I discovered that he's supposed to have copies of time sheets down there, and he's supposed to be printing them off himself. So, I emailed him the entire file again. I have yet to figure out how that goes over.

I do want to point out that simply asking, "May I please have some time sheets down here for my employees" would have been a whole lot easier.
Yeah, so CW4 just showed up looking for his timesheets. I told him I'd emailed them to him.

That did not go over so well.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ketchup is Best When It's Cold

Last night I made meatloaf for dinner. I usually hate meatloaf, but the recipe I used was pretty good. (Thank you once again, America's Test Kitchens.)

Ketchup goes with Meatloaf like...Ren goes with Stimpy, I guess. Ya just gotta have the two together.

It was sometime in our first few weeks of newly engaged bliss that Joey and I had The Discussion about the location of ketchup bottle. He believes ketchup is best placed in the cupboard, since it does not say "refrigerate" on the bottle. I think that ketchup belongs in the refrigeragor.

Reasons Why Ketchup Should Be Refrigerated:
1. My mom refrigerates hers
2. Cold ketchup on piping hot burgers, meatloaf, steak, etc. always tastes the best
3. Ketchup looks best on the refrigerator door right next to the Worcestershire sauce (which, amazingly, also doesn't say "refrigerate" on it either)
4. Warm ketchup seems...creepy. I feel less concerned about the fact that it's shelf stable when it's in my fridge

My arguments really stink. I need to work on that.

However, at our house we do refrigerate the ketchup...but the Worcestershire sauce is in the cupboard by the molasses.

A compromise, I suppose.

Ebay is Awesome

My cell phone battery has been dying. At first I thought I could make it last a few more months, but it's to the point now where I can charge it up to full health and by the end of my first five minute phone call the thing's beeping "Low Battery" at me.

I checked into cell batteries, and the kind I need was going to set me back $50. I refuse to pay $50 for an itty bitty battery. As the saying goes, "like husband, like wife"; I decided to check Ebay to see if they had anything cheaper. (And, for those of you who may wonder, that's not really a saying. I made it up.)

They do--$40 cheaper. Including shipping.

I pretty much feel like I've kicked commercialism's butt. I probably haven't, but at least I feel better about replacing the battery now.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Dude, your phone's ringin'

On Monday mornings it's really quiet at work. I was frantically applying labels to file folders (I have to have 2,000 some done around the end of the day or early tomorrow) for a fairly time-sensetive project when I heard my little brother Alex's voice coming from my purse.

"Dude, your phone's ringin'...Dude, your phone's ringin'...Dude, your phone's ringin'..."

I jumped a mile. I forgot to put my cell phone on vibrate.

CW1's head snapped up from her desk, "What in the world is that?!" She asked.

"Um, that's my phone." I mumbled, as I dug around trying to find it. I silenced it quickly.

"That's your ringtone?" She asked, quizzically. "What in the world..."

"My little brother made it for me, it's what rings when my parent's house calls. It's better than when my brothers call, then it says, 'Hey stupid, answer your phone'. Alex recorded them for me special." I looked longingly at my phone; I was dying to listen to my voicemail. I always get so curious when people call and leave me messages during my day.

About an hour later, I got my chance. It was The Kid calling to tell me that his Mac had arrived--go him!

Ours has arrived too. (I checked FedEx.) I'm sure Joey's itchin' to go home and pick it up! Only fifteen more minutes until your class is out, baby! Hang in there!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

My Stomach Hurts. Again.

Lately I have, admittedly, been consuming altogether too much junk food. It's like I have this "Sugar NOW" button that gets pushed and then I go on a mad sugar dash.

This is not good. Especially if I don't want to have to buy new jeans.

I have just finished consuming oatmeal raisin cookies (which I justified because they contained oatmeal and raisins) and drinking coffee. I am now shaky-jittery from the caffeine because I also drank a Mountain Dew about an hour ago.

Joey says my breath is "horrendously stinkable". I'm not sure that's very nice.

All these sugar cravings had better not be because I'm with child. That would be, um...interesting.

Anyway I'm tired of blogging and I'm going to go play with my iPod and run around the house all jittery-like. I'm really freaking out my brother-in-law.


This is my two-hundredth post. Two hundred times I have logged on here to blog about pretty much nothing at all. And the scary thing is...there are a few people who actually read it.

So, for those of you who have read my nonsense...Good for you.

For the rest of you, smarten up and read my nonsense.

The Sky Is Falling

On Sunday, Joey and I dropped Henry off at his parents' house before church. We didn't think it would be considered appropriate to bring him since Joey was preaching and I (wound up) singing. Having an adorable little furry Shih-Tzu on the platform with us would have looked unconventional and tacky.

We came home from church about 1:30, after eating a yummy lunch with some friends. After we walked in the door Father-In-Law1 said, "Well...Henry has had an interesting morning." He looked kind of sheepish as he said it, so I figured he'd probably accidentally done something terrible to our puppy and was trying to confess.

"I took Henry out in the back yard to go to the bathroom, and I was walking down the hill. Henry was following me. All of a sudden, I heard a tree branch snap and a thud. I looked behind me to see what happened, and a squirrel had fallen out of the tree and landed on Henry's backside."

Everyone in the room bust out laughing, most of all me. The mental picture of Henry, terrorized, with a disoriented squirrel attatched to his bum was more than I could successfully not laugh at.

Aparrently, Henry had taken off across the yard, yelping, and the squirrel had continued laying there on the ground, slightly dazed. My facts may be slightly sketchy, because I was laughing so hard I didn't hear as clearly as I wish I had.

Anyway, Henry's not a big fan of going out back. Father-In-Law1 says that Henry goes running around to the front door when he tries to take him out back.

I'd love to give it a shot, but it's raining extremely hard here right now and I'm not going to go get wet. And besides, my coffee is probably ready.

Joey hates it when I drink coffee, but I figure he's probably not going to be getting any kisses anytime soon because he's playing Xbox with Eric right now. Oh, wait, I didn't give Eric a code name. I suppose it's too late by now; I'd better not get arrested and/or fired.

I'm going to go drink my coffee.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Joey found this note a couple blocks from our house while he was on a walk with Henry.

Dear Jenna,
I have left,
not sure when I'll be back,
watch out for zombies
Eric Thaden

Although I have no idea who Eric Thaden is, I do appreciate the warning about zombies.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Futility of Life

There are two things that, I believe, just point out the futility of life on earth. For example:

1. Backrubs
I adore backrubs, especially ones from my husband. He gives fantastic ones and works my knots out very well. The only problem with backrubs is that in no time at all, your back is sore again! Things like BioFreeze do help in making backrubs effects hang around, but still. The one time I got a massage, I remember thinking "this feels great now, but I will be sore again in an hour", and I was. Quite sore, actually.

Do really rich people just have a masseuse on call so they can have a massage whenever they feel like it? I would.

2. Washing the car/polishing the car tires
Washing the car I can understand, because if you drive down a gravel road then there's a good chance that you'll get dirty when you bump up against the car. And a good amount of muck and dirt on your car can make it get rusty, or so I'm told. (I'm sure if that's not correct Joey will send me a frantic email saying that no, mud and sludge on your car don't make it rust.)

It's the tires that really kill me. Polishing the tires?!

I actually was not aware that people actually washed and polished their tires with special tire polish until, one Sunday afternoon at Joey's parents house, Father-In-Law1 said, "Hey, kids, let's go wash your cars". I happened to have the Saturn down there for fixing, and Joey had his car down there too.

Gamely, we obliged. John has pretty much every single car washing device and/or product known to Sam's Club. He can get a car cleaner than anybody I know.

I thought, up until that day, that I knew how you wash a car. Ya get a bucket with soapy water, a scrubby thing (also known as a chamois, according to Father-In-Law1) and you scrub your car using circular motions all over the whole car. Except the roof, because that's too high to reach and you need a ladder or taller boyfriend (Joey and I weren't married yet) to wash it for you.

After I did that, hosed it off, and waxed it (with John's fancy car wax), and cleaned out the interior, I thought I was done.

No, I wasn't. I had missed the tires, and the weather stripping. (I didn't even know what weather stripping was.)

Joey patiently got out the tire brush and the shiny tire stuff. I was trying desperately to keep my question of "WHY!? The tires go on the road and they get dusty and dirty from the concrete; they're supposed to be dirty" to myself.

It worked for the first two tires. By the third, I couldn't hold it in any longer. Joey told me that washing the tires is, "just something you do becaues it looks nice". He did have a point, my shiny black tires did look nice. For about five minutes.

We have our own tire shiner now, and I have been known to spray it on my tires after I wash the car. I usually mumble to myself what a waste of time it is, but I do find myself standing back and admire the glory of the shiny black tires.

For the five minutes they look nice.

See? Futility.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Henry Gets Stuck

Henry was trying out his new bed when he suddenly found himself trapped!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Whole Foods

Since our 1st Anniversary trip to Omaha and my subsequent first experience of a Whole Foods Market, I've been kind of hooked on them. I'd probably even shop there if we had one in Iowa. (Which, naturally, we don't.)

Joey and I are seriously considering moving to Texas in January, and Joey just reminded me that there's probably a Whole Foods in Dallas.

Sure enough.

There are two in Dallas proper, so I'm sure there are tons of other ones in the suburbs. The one I'm excited about is 1.9 miles away from the DTS campus, and all the apartments we're looking at are within a 10 mile radius.

So now I may be able to join the ranks of Whole Foods shoppers! (Assuming that it's not $4 a pound for apples and a bag of cheese isn't $5.)

I figure that's just like a big "welcome to Texas" banner.


So far this morning I have eaten SweetTarts and chewy SweetTarts, as well as Laffy Taffy. And I've drunk juice while I ate the candy.

My stomach kind of hurts. But yummy.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Joey wants a Mac. He's getting one, too. Maybe soon! The World Wide Developer's Conference is going on right now, and some silly guy is there live blogging it. I tried to read it but got too confused.

Joey, naturally, is not confused. He's at work reading it frantically, waiting to see what new, fantastic things come out this year.

I just want an iPod.

I figure when we get the new computer, we're (I'm) just going to call it the jMac. I have no idea if Joey will let me do that, though. It might not be cool enough for his Mac.

Actually, I just want a pink mouse.

I can see it now--Joey takes the jMac to the library and sets it up. He looks cool, techy-suave...and then he pulls out the hot pink mouse and hooks it up. Really kills the image.

Actually, Joey, I would be fine with just a pink cover for the iPod. I won't make you haul around a pink mouse. I've repented. :)

Only a little while more until we get to get the jMac!

You Know Your Husband Is In Seminary When...

1. You debate whether or not to buy butter this week or next...maybe it will go back down to $1.75 instead of its normal price of $2.30.

2. When the Sunday Register comes, the coupon section is the first thing you turn to. (And you get really excited when you see $1 off coupons for bacon, body wash, toothbrushes, etc.)

3. You feel guilty throwing away baggies because if you washed and reused them, you could probably save $2-4 a month.

4. You won't buy Kool-Aid because it is "too expensive"

5. Checking out free DVDs from the library is an exciting evening activity, especially when your husband is gone.

6. When your favorite/only black capri pants get three bleach spots on them, you take a permanent black marker to them to fill in the white spots...even though it isn't the same shade of black and even though you have to do it about every other time you wear them.

7. You consider making several trips to Target when you have to go, just so you can ride your bike and not use gas. (Target is only 2.5 miles from our house) You opt not do to this, though, because it is over 100 degrees outside.

8. You frantically run around the grocery store putting back a peach here, two apples there, the tomato soup, and cutting back on the green beans so that you can come in just under the weekly grocery budget.

9. Your husband gets very excited when he finds an "extremely cool" t-shirt for only $3.25 at Target. Your first question is, "Is there room left in that category in the budget?" (There was, fortunately, and he wears that shirt all the time. It's his favorite.)

10. Your favorite date is "buy one get one free" at Starbucks. They have the best pomegranate frappuccinos.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pepsi Jazz Falls Flat

Don't waste your money on Pepsi Jazz. It's nasty.

I love Pepsi, so I'm really not sure why I bothered trying their new soda, but it's tradition, so I usually grab a new pop and see how bad it is.

This one's real bad.

Imagine a Diet Pepsi, which is the base for Pepsi Jazz, and then mix in such flavorings as Strawberries and Creme or Black Cherry and French Vanilla. The results is disturbing. Pepsi should not smell like a Starbucks Frappuccino with a Pepsi kick.

So don't waste your money and be disappointed and then feel like you have to drink the whole thing, like I did. It is not worth it. And you'll get a stomach ache.

My Scissors Rock

It sounds conceited, I know, but I just need to gloat about the fact that I have the best scissors in the entire building. Everyone elses' are sticky from tape, have a screw loose (and it's not just the scissors that have that problem), or are too stiff and won't really do much. Or they're just too darn big.

My scissors have none of these problems. I had to use a substandard pair this morning (I keep it in my desk for back-up) and was reminded again just how glorious my scissors really are.

They're black and silver, sleek, just the right size, move smoothly, and don't have any tape on them. Yet. But I'm real careful to make sure that I don't use them on gunky jobs, that's what the back-up is for.

So...I have the best scissors. That makes it a good day.

Oh, and I know I have the best scissors because I've done an cursory check of everyone elses', just to be sure, and mine really are the best.

So yes, my scissors rock.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Case In Point

I was sending out a letter two weeks ago and I needed labels. Since I don't have them on my computer, I asked for them from the person who does. This caused that person to throw a big fit, informing me how inconvenient it was for them to give me the labels.

Fine, whatever, but I still need the labels.

I got the labels about 20 minutes later, previous whining aside.

I had to send out an even larger mailing today, and so last week I began typing a database of all the recipents of this letter. It goes out to about 160 people. I finished the list, double checked it, and printed off all the envelopes this morning. It's extremely convenient to be able to do it this way, since I really don't like labels anyway. It's more expensive and it takes more time. And it's annoying.

As I was beginning to stuff my letter, I heard a squack come from behind me.

"HOW is that letter going to go out today when I haven't printed off any labels?!" Aparrently, that person was on the warpath. Again.

I stuck my head in the office, smiled and said, "Oh, don't worry about it. I typed a database of all the names and printed envelopes."

"What?! Why did she do that?!" I heard, as I shook my head and walked away, fortunately with a teeny smile on my face.

Come to find out, it seriously annoyed this other person that I typed my own database and subsequently don't even have to deal with the sticky labels. Aparrently they really, really
wanted to chew me out and make me feel like scum for asking for lables again, and I didn't give them the chance. So instead they chewed me out for not asking for them.

I simply can't win.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sneaky Exercise

I was just sitting here typing and feeling plump and frumpy.


I grabbed my water bottle and headed to "go to the bathroom". First I filled my water bottle up, though, because I felt like I needed to legitimise my trip away from my desk.

I went into the bathroom, shut the door, locked it and double checked to make sure it was locked. I then got down on the nasty rug (which, I discovered, is kind of sticky) and started doing sit-ups. For the sake of time, I only did 20.

I then flipped over and did 10 push-ups and discovered that I'm more out of shape than I thought I was. And that I probably have carpal tunnel becuase YOW does my wrist hurt. And yes, I did all this wearing my long, full, white peasant skirt. It was a challenge.

This sneaky exercise seems like a perfect solution to my insanity problem. If I "go to the bathroom" every hour, that's a zillion sit-ups, push ups or whatever else I decided to sneak in!

I do realize that doing sit-ups alone won't make me svelte (read: slim and trim--like Alyssa), but I'll at least feel like I could potentially be getting that way.

My biceps hurt.