Sunday, December 24, 2006
It Gets Worse
When transferring my laundry from the washer to the dryer, I noticed something Really Bad in the washing machine.
"AAAUGH!" (If a girl screams in the laundry room and nobody is around to hear her, does she make a noise?)
There was my cell phone, glistening from the bottom of the washing machine. In my trauma and delusion, I thought to myself...Perhaps my cell phone didn't really wash with the clothes...maybe it just fell in there when I opened up the lid?
I knew that this was, in fact, false.
My phone is currently in pieces on the bureau in our room here in Indiana. Joey is trying to dry it out for me. The consensus is that the screen is probably shot. In this case, the phone is probably worthless.
Can I do ANYTHING without messing it up?!
MY PHONE WORKS! Joey and Pops fixed it for me! I pretty much screamed and jumped up and down for a real long time. Even the screen still works! This is kick awesome.
One more super cool thing--I got a fancy new toothbrush out of the deal. It's hot pink with little squishy holders AND a tongue brush.
Beat that.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder
After loafing around for several hours, we decided we were tired and it was time to go to bed.
"Joey, did you carry the suitcase in?" I asked.
"Isn't it in the car?"
I knew the answer to this question was "No"; The Kid and I had just spend an hour in the back of the van (there were no seats) while we watched a Christmas light show.
"No, it's not in the car." As I said this, my heart sank. I began to feel a lump grow in my throat. My eyes began to burn. I thought Don't cry! Don't cry!, So I wilted instead.
Our suitcase was still in the trunk of our car. Parked in Iowa City. Seven hours away. Our toiletries and colognes were freezing, right along with Henry's extra food that I had (intentionally) left in the car.
Those of the family who were still up decided that it we deserved everything we got. (Namely Grandpa was the chief proponent of this opinion.)
To make matters worse, I had eaten some "decorative fruit" about three hours earlier (We assume it was decorative, it's from Germany so we can't ready the label. It tastes like wax. Willi? Help?). After I admitted that I ate one of them, and that it pretty much tasted like mulch, I was met by several wide-eyed and astonished looks. The fruit candy had looked pretty real to me, but Grandpa told me in in No Uncertain Terms that it was decorative. An interior designer had given him the fruit basket, after all.
That, and I'd worn my socks two days in a row so I could save my clean ones for the days here in Indiana. (Seriously, who wears their socks twice anyway?! I'm never doing that again. One never knows when one might be without one's suitcase.)
We were all fairly certain that there was little to no hope for the Woestmans, and Joey and I put on Grandpa and Grandma's pajamas and went to bed. I have never hoped for clothes at Christmas as I have this Christmas.
Oh. One more thing. This morning, my trusty 2nd piercing earring (of three years!) fell out of my ear and went down the drain. I am distraught.
Merry Christmas, everybody! I'm going to go back to eating my Brie and crackers. (They were right next to the "decorative fruit" in that basket...)
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I Broke the Toilet
Even on my toes I wasn't able to reach into the far corners of that top shelf. I stretched as far as I could and kinda did this little bunny hop thing while I swept my arm around the shelf. Good, I hadn't missed anything.
Just as I thought that, I heard a PING!, something small and plastic went flying, and the toilet seat started to slide, rather violently, to the left. Because falling in the toilet is not high on my list of "Things To Do Before I Die", I did a sort of swan dive/crash into the wall. I stood there, confused, and stared at the toilet seat that was now hanging kind of crooked.
Henry just looked up at me with his furry little face like he was thinking, "Mom, seriously! What did you do now?!" I picked him up since I wasn't sure I wanted him to be sniffing around whatever it was that had come flying off the toilet.
Joey, naturally, was not home.
Henry and I determined that some post that held the toilet seat on the toilet had popped off. I nudged the seat back into place and proceeded to forget that I'd broken it.
This morning, I was putting on my makeup when I heard, "HEY! What happened to the toilet?"
"Um, I broke it last night?" (When I am not breaking stuff around the house...) "I forgot to tell you. I was sort of standing on it when I was packing the cupboards."
"You were standing on it?" Joey said as he bent over to pick up the post. " Yeah, you sure did break it. I won't tell Dave you were standing on the toilet when it broke, I'll just tell him it broke."
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," I said, sheepishly.
I realize this is disgusting.
To make matters worse, the only pants I have are brown, the shoes I have are brown and pink suede and my socks are....white. I look like a complete and total nerd. And it's only going to get worse for the next week.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Holy Cow
I placed the order again on Thursday. I was fairly confident that this one would not get lost, despite the holes that were the size of pennies in the guy's earlobes. My confidence waned as the days progressed. I throughly expected to show up at Hy Vee and have them say "What? Cookies?"
An ambulence sat in the parking lot when I drove in. Already this did not bode well.
The bakery was in a tizzy. There were four people running around behind the counter frantically, and three people who were waiting to be helped. I made a fourth.
The frazzled lady behind the counter looked at me and said, "May I help you?" I told her my name and what I needed. She looked a little worried, but started trying to find my cookies nonetheless.
Then she called me closer.
"The lady who was frosting your cookies passed out, so they're not ready yet." She gestured to the EMTs in the corner who were surrounding a pale lady who was seated facing the wall. "Can you come back in half an hour?"
"Sure," I said. I had some touch-up painting to do at home anyway, since we're moving and all. I came back in half an hour and my cookies were frosted and ready to go.
Now, you must admit that in a backwards sort of way, that's hilarious. Come on. How many times do stores lose your order and then not have it ready to be picked up because the person working on it passed out?
Why I May Need Therapy
The answers to those questions would be, "Yes" and "YES!!", respectively.
Our Plan has gotten tigher on time and more complicated as the days go by. Drama, drama, drama. (But hey, there's nothing wrong with losing, like 10 libs from all the stress, right? I seriously think I lost about two this weekend.)
Yesterday's version of the Plan was: Tuesday--Joey's last day; Wednesday--Jenna's last day; Thursday--go to Cedar Rapids; Friday--drive to Indianapolis; Saturday-Sunday--stay in Indianapolis and try not to stress out (hopefully the spa's not closed for the winter); Monday--drive back to Ankeny; Tuesday--load the van and drive all night; Wednesday--paint the new apartment. Thursday--unload the truck and move in.
Mom "The Packing Machine" Laird came on Friday and Saturday. We began our packing at 9:00 a.m. Seven hours later there was a stack of boxes that is taller than me (granted, not that hard to do) in the place where the Christmas tree used to be, the microwave was sitting on the floor, the toaster was on the bookshelf in the living room next to the coffee maker, and I was no longer certain I had a kitchen table. (If seeing is believing and whatnot.)
My house is messier than it has ever been, even before I stopped ironing Joey's shirts last week.
Sunday was a total packing loss since we left at 8 a.m. and didn't return home until 9:30 p.m. My kitchen is not fully packed, our clothes are not packed, we are not packed for our trip to Indi, the bathroom's not packed, and we have a bunch of stuff on the coffee table that I'm not sure what to do with. I just keep walking past it, stopping and staring, then shaking my head and moving on. Out of sight, out of mind?
I was unable to sleep last night. All I could think about was "how am I going to get this house all packed up in the eight evening hours I have between now and Thursday!
Unfortunately, I didn't feel miserable enough to call in sick.
Joey agreed with me to alter the Plan so that I can take Wednesday as a vacation day. We'll have a whole day together to run last minute errands, like buying paint!. (Someone informed me of a store that sells used microwave trays for $1, so we're pretty much going to go see if we can find one for our microwave so that I can get out of the doghouse.)
Hopefully I don't need therapy, because our insurance won't be active for three months once we move.
Friday, December 15, 2006
I Am 31
Unfortunately, I can't remember much about it except for something about Joey and I lived in Texas and I was trying to get a job. One of the questions in the interview was "How old are you?" (Naturally nobody can ask that in an interview, but play along.)
I kind of wiggled around in my chair and said, "24."
The two suits interviewing me looked down their noses and said to each other, "Gosh, I just don't believe that. She totally looks 31. At least."
I couldn't decide whether that was a compliment or an insult. (The more I think about it, the more I decide it was probably an insult. There's nothing worse than getting insulted in your own dream.) In real life, I probably won't be mistaken for 31 until I'm at least 40. So until then I'll have to settle for being asked if I'm over 18 or not.
In other news, I was walking in one of our schools the other day and there were four junior highers laying on the floor in the hallway talking about something, assumedly, naughty. They scuffled around and whispered (not very quietly) "Shhh! Shh! A teacher!"
I considered looking down my glasses at them but, opted not to.
I did think to myself, "Ching! They actually thought I was a teacher and not a high schooler they've never seen before like usual!"
Ahh, the joys of having a baby face.
He pooped on the seat in my car.
I guess I deserve it?
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Dangit. I totally should have taken the tray out before I stuffed the dog inside.
I Am In Trouble
"Hey, let's stick him in the washing machine and take a picture of him," I said to Joey.
"Oh, OK." he said, and we got the camera ready.
Henry did not like being in the washing machine. I suppose I can't blame him. After we got several pictures of him looking sufficiently peeved, we took him out. He was EXTREMELY cuddly and clingy. I suppose he thought we were going to turn the washing machine on with him in it or something.
"That was really fun. Let's take the shelves out of the oven and take a picture of him in there." I was totally on a roll now.
Joey looked at me as though I'd taken leave of my senses. (Perhaps I had.) "No way. That's a bad idea."
"Come ON. I haven't used the oven in, like, 2 days so it's not hot or anything." I began taking shelves out. (In hindsight, I see that I may have some submission issues to work on.)
"Look, see, he'll fit right inside!" I picked up Henry and set him inside. He didn't like the oven very much, but he didn't mind it quite as bad as he'd minded the washing machine.
Joey resigned himself to taking a couple of pictures of the poor guy, then he said, "I think Henry is traumatized enough for one evening." But it was too late. I already had that evil glint in my eye.
"I wonder if he'd fit in the microwave..."
"Let's just try...." Since I hadn't totally thought this whole idea through, I picked up Henry and began stuffing him into the microwave. He was a really tight fit and he particularly did not enjoy the rotating glass tray. If I'd been smart I would have taken it out first. (Actually, if I had been smart I wouldn't have tried to see if he'd fit in the microwave...)
We got a couple pictures of poor Henry sticking his head out of the microwave and looking really, really miserable. I decided I'd probably put him into enough strange things for one day, and I tried to get him out.
He was sort of stuck.
"Um, Henry, work with me here..."
Joey was standing over the sink kind of hopping from one foot to the other trying really, really hard not to say "I told you so"! As it became more aparrent that we had an Issue on our hands, I glanced back at him. He looked quite concerned. I was beginning to get concerned myself.
Finally, things began to work. Then I noticed that, along with Henry, the glass tray was coming out too. Just as I got Henry out of the microwave, the glass tray slid to the floor and broke into about 6 large pieces, and dozens of small shards.
"AAAAUGH! YOU BROKE THE TRAY!!!" Joey wailed. I set Henry down and he ran over into the living room. (Poor guy.)
At a loss for what else to do, I began to laugh.
"I'm totally not cleaning that up." Joey said. "YOU broke it." He had a point. It was clear that Joey was Not Happy With Jenna. At all.
I got the big pieces and swept the floor twice. Then I went back to find Joey.
"It was kinda funny..." I started.
He glared at me. "Was not. Those things are expensive!"
I made another tactical error. I laughed. "Oh, how would you know. It's not like we've ever broken the microwave tray before."
He humphed at me and went back to his book.
I sufficiently apologized, wrote down the model number of our microwave, and told him of my lofty intentions to replace the glass tray. He was slightly mollified, but in no way placated.
On the upside, Henry has totally forgiven me. (Although he is sort of wary of the appliance side of our kitchen.)
The jury is still out on Joey, especially since he stepped on a glass shard this morning. It didn't cut him, but it definitely reminded him of what I'd hoped he'd forgotten.
You definitely have to admit that the pictures are hilarious.
Monday, December 11, 2006
I brought:
1 bag of Sour Patch Kids. (On second thought, I think that got left at home; I can't find it. Drat!)
3 York Peppermint Patties. (The bag spilled in my purse.)
6 pieces of chocolate fudge
I think I will be able to stuff sugar into whoever is grouchy today, and hopefully that will perk them up from the duldrums. All that sugar gives me the jibblies just thinking about it!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
At about 1:00 this morning, Henry projectile vomited all over the study. He'd been in his kennel at the time, and I am still stymied as to how he got it all over the carpet so far outside of his kennel.
He began barking immediately after said vomiting and it woke me up. He very rarely barks at night so I figured something was amiss. I stumbled out of bed and into the hallway and immediately I smelled a very foul smell. My first thought was that Henry was suffering from the Big D again (horrors) but, when I turned on the light and saw the pile of puke, I knew I was mistaken. (At least I hoped that I was mistaken and he hadn't blown out the inside of the kennel too.)
The poor little pukeface was sitting in his smelly kennel looking plaintive. I held my breath and went into the room, let him out and surveyed the damage. I threw Moo and his kennel pad in the washing machine (with the hottest water possible), got a trash can, half a roll of toilet paper, and the kennel cleaner, and headed back to try to clean up the mess.
Mind you, it was 1:00 a.m.
Thirty minutes and several rounds of toilet paper and paper towels later, Henry's kennel was suitably cleaned up, and the entire house smelled like vomit. I emptied both trash cans and set the bag outside (you shoulda smelled it) and hoped it would freeze so I wouldn't have to smell it again in the morning.
I took Henry outside to go to the bathroom, trying to hide from the two drunk nerds that left the Yankee Clipper right as I came down the stairs (I am not taking Henry outside at night when we live in Dallas). Now, granted, it was cold outside but the two drunk guys were yelling about how freezing it was and running/swerving all over the sidewalk. Good thing they weren't driving.
I finally went back to bed. Joey started mumbling things about a chemical spill on the highway. Lucky guy, he slept through the whole ordeal.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
No problem there; for the last week that poor kid has worn his cone every time we haven't been able to directly supervise him. There will be no infected doggies for Jenna Marie or Joseph Allen Woestman. (Especially not since we're moving in three weeks and we won't have any vet for a sickly puppy to go to!)
Joey packed Henry up and drove him down to the Low Cost Spay Clinic (where we got him "fixed" for a whopping total of $75, including pain meds and a cone) to get his stitches out. Surprisingly, Henry wasn't afraid when he saw where he was going. Joey said he was sniffing and licking everything (like normal) and didn't get scared at all. He's so funny.
Poor Joey, though, when he deposited Henry for the removal of his stitches, the lady said "We don't use stitches on little boys, but let me check...Nope, he didn't have stitches."
"But you told me to come back in a week and get his stitches out!" Joey said, kind of dismayed that he'd driven all the way down to the scary part of town when he didn't even have to.
"Yeah...sorry about that. We used glue on him, so you didn't even need to come all the way down here."
I am so grossed out. They glued my little doggy back together! What if the glue hadn't held and his intestines had started falling out all over my carpet?! OK, that's gross. But it's the first thing I thought of. That and, I can't believe they'd use glue on a dog.
The good news is that poor Henry doesn't have to wear his cone anymore, not unless he's "excessively licking" his scar. And, knowing they sealed him up with glue, I will certainly be monitoring that. We certainly wouldn't want him coming open again, now, would we?
Monday, December 04, 2006
I Stacked My Cows (and the panda)
I don't have any sheep, so I decided to pretend my cows were sheep and count them (and the panda). I have six, total.
After I got them counted, I still needed something to do. So I stacked them. This was quite the feat, especially since Dang (the cow that's made out of bells) is so round. I know you probably think this is dumb, but your brain probably wasn't oozing through your ears.
And of course there is no tape or anything holding these cows together. Seriously, would I do something like that?!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
"Your lights are on..."
Halfway through the concert, Dr. Van got up and made an announcement.
"If you drive a Toyota Corolla..."
My heart sank. It was one of those I hope it's not me but I totally know it is because I just have a bad feeling about this moments.
"your lights are on. The license plate is 949..."
I started digging in my purse for the keys. It was, most definitely, our car. I ran out in the freezing cold to turn the lights off with most of the people in the room looking at me, or at least trying to find the nerd whose car lights were on.
You know when you go to large events and they get up to announce whose car's lights are on? And you alwas think "gosh I hope it's not me, that'd be so embarassing". Yeah, that's exactly what I felt like when the house lights came up and Dr. Van started to make the announcement.
And there were, like, 500 people there too.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Our Tax Dollars at Work Again
I just learned something really weird. I'm not entirely certain of all the facts, so if I'm wrong please correct me.
Sometime around Thanksgiving, there's a National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation in the Rose Garden at the White House. (This has aparrently been going on since Lincoln was president.) Some farmer named Lynn Nutt raises a bunch of big, fancy turkeys and then brings them to the White House where they run around for awhile. (That part's a little sketchy.) He raises them by hand so they're tame.
He picks two special ones ahead of time and one is presented to the President as the National Thanksgiving Turkey. He then "pardons" the turkey. (The other one is the alternate. In case one pecks the President and he decides not to pardon him?)
Aparrently this year, the President's dog Barney chased one of the turkeys around for awhile and made it all nervous. I bet that was pretty awesome to watch.
This year's turkeys were named Flyer and Fryer. Flyer was the National Turkey and Fryer was the alternate. They were both flown to California where they were honorary grand marshals of Disneyland's Thanksgiving Day parade.
Is that a strange national custom or what; National Thanksgiving Turkeys? Pardons?! Uff dah.
My New Level of Patheticness
So...I sent the following email down to one of the other buildings where I knew there was an extensive chocolate stash.
"Um, can you inter-office me some chocolate with the delivery that comes up around noon? (I'd come down myself, but it's REALLY COLD outside and since I'm moving to Texas, I'm not bothering to acclimate myself this year.)
If you're busy, that's just fine. I can walk down myself if I need to!
"Variety pack is on it's way and WON'T melt!!!!!! You'll need a COAT in Texas too!!!!!"
Sweet. My chocolate craving will be sated after all!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Joey Is The Best
He just said his Great Scripture Psalms passages for the scholarship, and he did it perfectly! It only took 10 minutes. I'm SO VERY PROUD of him. :)
Henry's Last Day
He's not allowed to eat or drink anything after 8:00 p.m. today, and then at 6:00 Joey's getting up to take our little baby down to the Low Cost Spay Clinic where, for $55, we are getting our little boy turned into an It.
He was just looking at me with his furry little face this morning and I started feeling so bad for him! He's so good at making me feel like mean and nasty slime, all he has to do is cock his head to the side and look at me with pathetic eyes and I turn to putty in his paws. (It is those same "pathetic eyes" that he seems to use on my brothers more often than he should. He got way too much Chex Mix last weekend when they were over.)
The best part of it all is that this so-named Low Cost Spay Clinic doesn't keep him over night, so we'll get a sleepy, stiched-up, dopey puppy back tomorrow afternoon. (I wonder if he'll walk into any walls or if he'll just lay around like a blob...) He'll look so funny with a bald tummy after they shave him. <sigh>
I must digress, but I have major hiccups and I've had them since I woke up. It's now about 9:40 (I did have an hour reprieve when I first got here). It's super hard to answer the phone, too, because I wind up sounding like some kind of drunk idiot when I hiccup in the person's ear.
Monday, November 27, 2006
An Experiment for Jenna
We'll see if this works.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
really loudly. Cracked me up. So much for subtle, there, cowboy!
2.8 miles
It only took me 55 minutes to walk back to my car today, as opposed to the hour and 20 minutes that it took last night. This is probably due to the fact that I have tennis shoes on today, and I could actually see where I was walking.
Another positive aspect of the walk this morning was that nobody tried to "give me a ride". Some guy thought I was a damsel in distress last night and offered to give me a lift. (I was talking to Jamie on the phone just then, so I felt entirely safe and not scared at all.) I told him I was fine and he drove off. He had a super big truck and that scared me.
Um, I'm pretty tired now so I'm going to go back home and finish watching Pride and Prejudice (with the commentary on this time!). Henry keeps getting bored and falling asleep. I think he's a nerd.
Oh, and I brought all of the sets of keys with me when I went into the library. No more of this "locking the keys in the car" business for me.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Since I brought the lappy with me, I left my purse in the car and put my wallet in the lappy bag. The only bad part is that I locked both sets of keys in my car. Again. I'm too ashamed of myself to call Joey and besides, he's at work bringin' home the bacon for his baby. (That would be me.)
I am a complete and total gomer.
I'm not sure how to get myself out of this fix either, since Jamie's in Oklahoma and that would be a really long drive just to come give me a ride home. I may have to walk. It's only 2 1/2 miles...Besides, I probably got fat over Thanksgiving.
Something else really bad happened to me just now, but I can't remember what it is/was. I know it's not that I look creepy because I have a zit (I do, though) or that people are giving me odd "teenager" looks as they walk past (but they are). Maybe it'll come to me later.
So I guess I'm just more fatalistic than necessary, always assuming bad things are happening to me. I'm going to finish my soup and try to figure out how I'm getting home. It's only 6:30 and Joey doesn't get off work until 11.
DANGIT! I am such a gomer!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
We Look Like Trouble
Anyway, The Kid and I started feeling tricksy, so we got out the camera and took pictures of ourselves. The sun was super bright and it was hurting our beady little eyes, so we look squinty and evil.
I think The Kid looks like some kind of travelling salesman. If he came to my door, I'd probably buy something from him. On another topic, he was the only person in our Sunday School class who wasn't married. (Young marrieds and whatnot) But, seeing as he isn't approved for any girlfriends yet, he's going to have to be OK with the unmarried status for awhile.
Kid, I'll let you know when you're approved for girlfriends.
It's 50 Degrees Outside, But Our Christmas Tree Is Up
We went to Captain Jack's tree farm on Saturday to pick out our Christmas tree. This is easier said than done as most of the trees are really strange looking, and have large holes or strange tentacle-like branches.
After running around the farm (and not tripping on any stumps) for an hour, we selected a tree that The Kid found. Joey cut it down and then held it up above his head while we carried it to the road. Most of the dead needles fell down into his coat (he whined about it for quite some time) and Alex and I had no sympathy for him. He WAS carrying the tree above his head, after all.
When we got the tree home, Henry was scared of it. Ernie, Alex's dog, was over too, so we gated them into the back hallway. This proved to be a bad idea because Henry developed a case of separation anxiety and whined for an hour. An hour. But, of course, I couldn't go over there because then I would just reinforce the negative behavior... Anyway.
After the boys finally got the tree level, they strung the lights (quite prettily, I might add) and we debated whether or not to put ribbon on. The boys liked it (I didn't) so we left it on. It has grown on me, now I sort of like it.
Our completed tree turned out quite pretty, especially with the rest of the decorations! I know this picture is basically the same as the other one, but I liked it better because of the candles on the coffee table.
I had so much fun decorating the rest of the house. I got to get out my Nativity scene!!! I really like it and I have way too much fun setting it up. The little black sheep are SO cute...
Oh, Henry has warmed up to the Christmas tree. (A little bit too much...) He tries to get all up in its business and winds up with sap all over his fur. Little weirdo...He's getting much better about staying out of the tree, though.
I just LOVE Christmas! It's a little weird to have my house decorated when it's so gorgeous outside, but I suppose I should get used to it? I'm sure it isn't freezing and snowing in Dallas...
I know it's before Thanksgiving and that's like the biggest Christmas faux-pas ever, but since we're having my family's Christmas at our house on Friday, we made an exception. And it was so much fun to set up. :)
Merry Christmas!
Get a Clue
Alex must have looked totally guilty, because two out of the four teams thought he was the culprit. He wasn't, of course, but we all know he looks like he did it. (Whatever it is.)
Here's Joey and I (the Odd Couple for sure!)
And Jamie and I (she's my Mom, Mrs. Peacock. I'm Miss Scarlet, of course.)
And us three girls! (Tiffany was Mrs. White, Jamie was Mrs. Peacock and I was Miss Scarlet.)
Friday, November 17, 2006
Adventures in Moving
Jenna has of course revealed that we are indeed moving to Texas. I am going to continue my seminary education at Dallas Theological Seminary. We're really excited about the move!
In fact, we're going to blog all moving-related stories (well, most of them at least) on our new blog, "Adventures in Moving." It's going to be great! As usual, I won't do much bloggin' at all (notice how wooden my style is? Not neare as good as Jenna's), I'll just take care of those pesky little technology problems . . .
So anyway, follow the fun down south at Adventures in Moving!
Lucky Me
I only spent $5, and that was on part of a Christmas present for someone else. I did happen to have a "make a purchase, get something up to $12.50 free" card at Bath and Body, so I got some fantastic hand creme for free. :)
We left the mall at 7:15 (gotta be back in time for CSI with Jamie!!!) and, when we got to the car, I noticed a small, green bag lying on the cement by my car.
"Hey, do you think there's anything in that?" I asked my friend.
I picked it up and opened it up. The first thing I noticed was the receipt: it was from The Gap. And there was no name on it.
I pulled out the item in the bag. It was a white, 3/4 length sleeve layering t-shirt in my size that was on clearance for $7. And, a month ago when it wasn't on sale, I had considered buying it.
"Your size," my friend sang as she strapped her little boy's car seat into the back of my car.
"Um, so, finders keepers?" I asked, hesitantly. I looked around to see if the car who belonged to the shirt was going to drive up looking for it. "There's no name..."
I made an executive decision and tossed the bag in by my purse. I felt sorry for the poor little girl who lost her shirt, but if I left it in the parking lot either somebody else would take it, or it would get thrown away by security.
It did bring to mind my shopping experience from last week; Joey and I finished all our Christmas shopping and, as we were getting home, we realized that we were missing a package. We figured it was in the car. About 7:30 we checked the car package.
We'd left it on the floor at the store.
Frantically I dug through the phone book to find the number to the store. Nobody was answering the phone, so I called the mall to double check that I had the number correct.
Of course, this particular Hallmark store had gotten bought out and changed names (and, assumedly, phone numbers) since the phone book had come out several months ago. I tried the new number. A very perky girl answered the phone and confirmed that she had my packages. I was elated and said I'd be back the next day to pick them up.
When I came in the next day, there was a different girl behind the counter. This one was none too bright, but after I explained the situation several times, she remembered. I identified the items and we were on our way, bag in hand.
I held on really tight, too.
All this to say, I feel really bad for the poor little girl (or pathetic boyfriend who bought his girlfriend a $7 Gap t-shirt) who lost her shirt at the mall last night. But I do like the shirt, I'm wearing it right now!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Joey Gains 70 Libs
I am Miss Scarlet, Joey is Professor Plum, and Alex is Professor Brown. Joey's charachter description was a plump, middle-aged professor.
Immediately he began planning to have a really, really bad costume. Plaid jacket, purple striped shirt, and creepy brown tie. If that wasn't enough, he stuffed a pillow up the shirt to give himself proper "padding", and then had me help him stuff dish towels down his arms to make those look appropriately plump.
He then wore this getup to youth group.
I couldn't pick which picture to put on here, so I'll just put them all. He rare form. Gloriously nerdy. And he was very comfy to lean on during the long meeting we had after youth group. :)
Oh, on Saturday we're putting baby powder in his hair to make him look all gray and old-timey. But enough of me, here's what he looks like!There are no words. None at all.
Henry Gets Smart
Last night, when I came out of the bathroom, this is what I saw. And I was astonished.
"Quick, Joey! Get me a marshmallow! He's in his doggy bed!"
Joey came tearing out of the office (I figured that would spunk Henry right up and then he'd jump out of the bed), grabbed a marshmallow and we gave it to Henry.
Henry likes marshies just about as much as I do, but we hardly ever give him any. I figured he deserved his favorite treat for actually using the doggy bed for its intended purpose.
And he's so cute!
Now I'll be the first to admit that, yes, I did sleep with my security blanket until I was 22 and engaged to be married. But I'm definitely not so attached to that piece of cloth that I would name my oldest son or daughter Blanket.
(Now which would Blanket be, a masculine or feminine name?)
That poor child! First his or her father is Michael Jackson, and second, can you just imagine all the cruel nicknames children would make off of "Blanket?"
If it were me, I'd definitely go by my middle name. (Unless, of course, it was something worse like "bottle" or "pacifier".)
And, for those of you that are really curious, my security blanket is back at my parent's house in a box. I was there once last year without Joey and I pulled it out of the box to try sleeping with it for old time's sake. But it kept me up most all night because I felt extremely weird.
I found it on the floor in the morning.
No, I Didn't Steal Anything, Officer
I have this problem every so often and I'm not really sure why. (Maybe stress?) For some reason unbeknownst to me or Joey, I set off the alarm at Target, Walmart, name it. It used to be kind of embarassing, but after this happening off and on for about a year and a half, I've gotten used to it.
I actually used to dig through my purse to see what it was in there that could be setting off the alarm. Then I noticed the alarm would go off even if I didn't have my purse, and even if I didn't have my cell phone. Aparrently it's nothing electronic, not even my car keys, because I can leave that stuff in the car and still set the darn alarm off.
Last night before church I went to Target with Joey to pick up some hot chocolate for him to drink while he studied. We were walking out talking very intensely about some Very Interesting Things that had happened to me at work that day. Then----
I threw up my hands, made a "AAAAAAAUGH!" noise, and didn't even turn around to see if any of the store employees were following me to "take down the shoplifter" with numb-chucks and pepper spray. (No, it wasn't the hot chocolate we had bought. The day before I'd been in Target by myself, without my cell phone and didn't buy anything and I still set the alarm off.)
After church we realized we'd forgotten marshies and cool-whip, so we stopped at HyVee.
Sure enough, I set off the alarm. And I screamed there, too.
The Kid says that screaming may not be the best thing to do, he thinks I might get arrested or something. But...but...I seem to set those things off just from being alive and breathing, so it's super annoying and I ought to be entitled to a good "aaaaaugh" every so often, right?
At least I'm not one of those people who blows lightbulbs when they walk under them, or drains watch batteries in 5 minutes. (I know people who do those things, so I didn't make that stuff up.) That could get expensive, having to replace lightbulbs all the time.
No, when I get stressed I set off security alarms.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I'll Never Be A Hand Model
After spending two days feeling strange and like my left hand was naked, I went to Kohl's last night and bought the cheapest, least obtrusive, costume-jewelery ring I could find for $7.41. I actually like the ring I picked out, but it's certainly NOT my wedding ring. I miss it.
Anyway, I took a picture of the ring to post on here, and in doing so I realized that I have extremely odd-shaped hands. My pinky finger is way too short or something. (Hmm, kind of like the rest of me.) And, since I keep my nails so short (NO, don't don't chew on them), all my fingers look stumpy.I can't wait until Friday when I can have my real ring back!! It won't make me look like a hand model, but at least it'll be my wedding ring. :)
I Am Preppy
Oh, I amend that, I did have a pair of dark-denim trouser jeans, but they didn't look like jeans at all.
When I transferred to FBBC, I sort of became strange, introverted, and altogether abnormal. I put my preppy ways behind me and began opting for a somber wardrobe of black, brown, and gray.
Now that I'm married, I occasionally suffer from Dumpy Wife Syndrome (which I try to avoid at all costs and rectifiy as soon as I notice I'm dumpy). I am no longer categorically "preppy", nor am I the somber dweep that I once was. I am, it would be appropriate to say, a spaz.
I even wear a considerable amount of hot pink.
Anyway, this morning I looked in the mirror and realized that I was extraordinarily preppy again. (I look like those little boys in Sunday School or the nursery whose moms put so many "big-boy" clothes on that they can't move properly.)
I've got on khakis, a white button-down, and a brown and pink vest and jacket over that. Oh, and brown shoes. I kind of creep myself out.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Stuff That Cool People Say
Stuff To Say:
- Wight, wight or Sewiously (turn the "r" sound into a "w" sound).
"Wight, wight" is in response to something somebody said that's only reasonably believable. "Sewiously" is said pretty much whenever you want. - Hoser, Hose-Head
These are pretty much from Strange Brew. Anyone not cool (or anyone at all pretty much) is a hoser. - Beauty, eh?
We don't say this as much anymore, but anything good is a "beauty". It is especially great if you tack on the "eh" after the "beauty". It makes you sound more, um, Canadian. (Which we aren't, but it's fun.) - Gomer
Anyone who is not cool is a gomer - Sweet dang!
This one is The Kid's, I stole it from him. It's pretty great. - Witches Brew
We don't really know why we say this, but sometimes we just say "witches brew" for good measure. It's kind of died off for awhile, but it'll probably come back. - Butter
Joey and I are trying to start this one, but it's not catching on. It's like "bummer" only better because it's like a butt instead of a bum. (Joey's logic, not mine. Let's just go with it.) - Don't be sad, Mom/Dad!
We have to say this all the time. Mom gets sad when we say stuff like "gomer" or "sweet dang", so then we have to say "don't be sad, Mom!" to hopefully cheer her up. It doesn't really work.
"Don't be sad, Dad" isn't quite as common because Pops doesn't wilt as often as Mom does. But occasionally he does (usually when we're teasing him about "The Frog Face" or some other such Popsism) and then we have to console him.
Wherein I Realize That I Have Only 34 Days Left of Gainful Employment In The State of Iowa And I Begin To Panic.
I had to clean up Henry's little gift while Joey bleached his foot. I almost puked.
Then, when I got here, I tore off my posty-note countdown and realized that the number was 34. Only 34.
I began to get the jibblies.
Then I realized that my desk was piled with work and I probably wasn't even going to be able to finish it all in the 34 days I have left. (And those 34 days count Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.)
I began to get more jibblies. I considered drinking coffee but ruled that out because of the adverse affects on my body's chemistry. (With all that work piled high I needed to not be shaking, having waves nausea, or running around the office screaming "SoBe NoFear, SoBo NoFear!!!!!!")
I opted for my 10:00 tea instead, and wound up making a royal mess of that; I spilled it on my shoe and all over the microwave.
Then, after looking at my calendar (which I found!), I realized that next Thursday and Friday are Thanksgiving and Thanksgivingmas (my immediate family's version of Christmas this year. We have to have it the day after Thanksgiving) and I started getting nervous about the arrival of all the gifts we ordered on the Internet.
I began feeling shifty and a whole lot like that Goblin again.
Immediately after this, the power went out (again) and I thought I lost all my data. I pounded on my desk and announced that I was sick and going home. Then the power came back on and my data wasn't lost. I was disappointed that I wasn't sick and I wasn't going home. (But at least I had my data.)
All in all, I've been kind of frazzled all morning. I guess I'm moving real soon or something, because my stress level seems kind of high. (And I'm not really a high-stress kind of person.) I haven't been this jumpy since I was in 8th grade.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Dumpy Wife Syndrome
He came back from getting dressed and was not looking like a slob. Immediately I felt as thought I had succumbed to Dumpy Wife Syndrome. In a state of panic, I rushed back and frantically applied makeup and re-did my pathetic ponytail several times.
(The ponytail was kind of hopeless since I have really short hair, but I at least felt better about trying to improve it.)
I felt weird wearing a strange t-shirt, having wet hair in a ponytail, and having makeup on my face, but at least I felt less dumpy.
For good measure I said to Joey, "Um, I think I eat too much sugar. Can you please stop bringing me candy from your work?"
"OK, sure." He hollered from the next room. Aparrently the Dumpy Wife Syndrome crisis wasn't bothering him very much.
After I realized the ramifications of my outburst, I ammended it with, "Except if it's salt water taffy. You can still bring me that."
He laughed.
And now we're going Christmas shopping. We thoroughly intend to get it all done before Thanksgiving. At least I don't look quite as much as though I have Dumpy Wife Syndrome, but the makeup really wasn't that big of an improvement.
Friday, November 10, 2006
I Must Be, like, Short
Anyway, I got all giddy about the snow and ran over to the window and smashed my nose on it. For some reason, I felt like that would help me see the snow more clearly or something. (In reality, all it did was fog up the window from my breathing on it.) I'm really glad somebody didn't come up the walk just then, they'd have seen me looking like a pig.
When I stepped away from the window I was quite astonished when I looked at my little nose smudge on the window and thought, "Am I really that short?"
The smudge was extremely low, much lower than I thought it would be. I guess I'm, like, short or something.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Oh Dear
Perhaps this is because once, when I was wearing a pair of dark denim jeans, I sat in chocolate and nobody told me until quite a long time after the fact. What made it worse was that I forgot by the time I got home, put the jeans in my drawer and wore them again before washing it out.
I'm not sure how I sat on chocolate in the first place, but work with me.
If chocolate is visible on dark denim jeans, it certainly would be visible on khakis. Every time I get up during the day, I have this overwhelming feeling of "What if?!" until I sit back down again. If there were a floor-length mirror in the restroom that would be one thing, but there isn't.
Anyway, I'm sitting down at the moment and I just happened to feel something scratchy on my pants. (I can't tell yet if it's chocolate.) At least it's on the leg, but I've been too scared to actually stand up and survey the damage. Besides, I just went to the bathroom. They're going to think I have problems if I go every 10 minutes.
I really hope it isn't chocolate.
Mom got me this amazing finger puppet of a cow last year. She figured I could use it when I taught children's church or whatnot. I named him Stink. (Sorry, Dad, but it's true: cows stink).
Stink is really cute and, as I was writing my lesson for Youth Group, I determined that I would use Stink, and some of my other cows from my collection, to try to demonstrate holiness. (I'm not sure if it really worked, there was lots of giggling.)
When Joey and I got home and I started digging the cows out of the bag. Henry caught a glimpse of Stink and he ran right over.
Stink really, really ticked off Henry. He wanted nothing more than to knock Stink to the ground and chew on him for a super long time.
He finally whacked him enough (his paw is all fuzzy in the second picture) and figured he deserved to munch on Stink. So I let him have a few chews.
We're not really sure why Henry is so obsessed with Stink...maybe it's because Henry stinks?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Reason For Whycomes We Lost
Alex (aka The Kid, Coolguy and The Little Man), however, did not.
The Kid turned 18 last Thursday, five days before the election. He was unable to register to vote, though, because you have to be something like 17 1/2 to register, or 11 days before the election. We decided we'd blame any of our party's losses on The Kid since he didn't vote.
Most likely it's probably my parent's fault that The Kid didn't vote and, thus, we lost seats, but it's more fun to blame The Kid. (My parents didn't realize he had to be registered 11 days before the election.) I suppose I could make my mom feel real sad if I keep blaming them, though, so I won't.
Don't be sad, Mom!
The Kid, this is all your fault for not voting! I expect large cash donations and Krispy Kremes to make up for this terrible loss and all the subsequent emotional duress. (I'm not sure what large cash donations will do for the "emotional duress", but it was all I could think up on short notice.)
So get on that.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
That Goblin
All I need is a little bit of creepy-organ background music and I'm set. Oh, and I need to dance a little jig because That Goblin does every time.
Speaking of, is that what a Goblin even looks like? I wouldn't know.
30 more minutes until FREEEEEEEE-DOMMMMMMM!
Lunch Mishap
I should, at this time, mention that YES, Henry eats real food. None of that nasty commercial dog food for my puppy! I did quite a bit of research and made the decision to make Henry's food from real ingredients. A meal for him this week consists of: a spoonful of canned pumpkin, a spoonful of cottage cheese, 1/4 pound of beef and turkey, and a handfull of raw shredded carrots and broccoli. And he LOVES it. It's pretty much the same price as the commercial dog food option, too.
A friend of mine came over to drop some things off, and then she and I left to run an errand. When I came home and grabbed the leftover chicken salad and put it in my lunch. I had some yesterday and it was super delectable.
Today I opened up my lunch and, to my great dismay, it was Henry's lunch! It did not smell as appetizing as the chicken salad I had been expecting. To be fair, I could have eaten what I brought, since it all came from my refrigerator in the first place, but raw broccoli and I don't get along very well.
Remind me not to use two identical containers for Henry's food and my lunch next time. (Actually I think I'll stop at the Dollar Tree on my way home and pick up 4 more containers for Henry's dinner.)
Joey saved the day (as usual, he's my Superhero!) and brought me my chicken salad AND my puppy. Henry is so cute. He always steals everyone's hearts whenever he comes in. :)
So now that it's 2:00 and I've finally had my lunch...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Why I Like Wireless
1. You can be online on the couch
2. You can be online on the back porch
3. You can be online loafing around in bed
4. You can be online in the bathroom
5. You don't have to sit at a desk
It's pretty great. Especially since I ate that jalapeño last night. I really like wireless.
The Jalapeño
Quick as a wink, I put the jalapeño on his plate and said, "Eat it. Now. Do it."
"OK, fine," he said, and shrugged his shoulders. This was not the reaction I had been going for.
I grabbed it back. "No way, I'm going to eat it. I've never eaten one before."
The Kid's eyes lit up. "OK! Only you have to stick the whole thing in your mouth at once, and then swallow it." His eyes gleamed with a sort of strange excitement.
Andrew, my sane brother, giggled nervously. Dad and Joey looked at each other.
"Um, hon?" Joey said, "Remember when you drank that entire SoBe NoFear 'just to see what would happen?' Remember how you were sick for three days?"
"Listen to the man," My dad said.
"Yes, I remember. But that was caffeine. I'm going to eat this anyway." As I was saying these words I was thinking "stupid, stupid, stupid!"
I put the jalapeño in my mouth. I bit down....and it began to burn. I chewed, swallowed and ate a bite of pizza real quick to try to make the burning sensation diminish. (It didn't.) My esophagus felt as if it were on fire.
"Now," Dad said, "We don't want to hear any whining from you for the rest of the evening, since your husband told you not to eat the jalapeño and you still did. whining."
Joey was looking rather pleased with himself, and very obviously trying not to laugh.
Five minutes later I said, "MAN, my esophagus is---"
"DA! No talking about it!" Pops exclaimed. I wrinkled my nose at him.
I sweated until 10:00. Four and a half hours. We had some youth group girls over and they thought I was having hot flashes. (I should certainly hope not.) Seriously...why do I do these things? :)
Saturday, November 04, 2006
100% Hydrated
So at 7:00, I'd had enough. I made Henry and Ernie's breakfast (but Henry was too excited to eat much of his) and sat down with my Pops who has just earned his SIOR, I might add. (YAY DAD! I call him Sire now because it sounds cool.) After about an hour of dazing off into the cornfield, Dad looked at me and said, "Hey, let's go to Starbucks and get a steamer."
I had plans to meet with a friend of mine at 10:00, and we were going to Panera. And coffee has been really, really bad for me lately; makes me jibblie and I can't breathe and I shake a lot. So I'm trying to quit.
"Well, I'm going to coffee with Adriel at 10:00..."
"Oh you can go twice. Come on, let's go."
I shrugged. "Sure, as long as I'm back in time."
(I might add that Mom piped in at this point with a "Drinking that much coffee isn't good for you, remember!", but she's cute so we just patted her on the head and said we probably wouldn't drink much coffee. Mom's real healthy.)
Mom gave us a Wal-Mart list (I know, I know...) and we headed out. It was pretty cold.
I got a Pomegranate Frappuccino at Starbucks (no coffee for me!) and Pops got a Vanilla Steamer (no coffee for him either, Mom!) and we took them into Wal-mart without asking. Nobody kicked us out. (As if they would dare kick my Pops out anyway, he's a new SIOR!)
We made it to my parent's house just in time for me to turn around and go to Panera to meet Adriel, where I happily sipped tea for an hour and a half. And now I feel like I could float a battleship.
Friday, November 03, 2006
We arrived at my parent's house and promptly locked our keys in the car. This was bad for several reasons:
1. Henry's dinner was in the car
2. Alex's presents (both of them) were in the car
3. Our cell phones, camera, my purse, and Joey's wallet were in the car
4. The pie for Alex's birthday was in the car
5. The keys were in the car
After having a really bad day, I didn't so much handle the "oops, the keys are locked in the car" thing very well. I got kind of snippy. Actually, I got very snippy. This was not my greatest moment. Joey called several locksmiths (both of which were on the phone) and one called us back and said he could be there in half an hour.
With that problem solved, I looked down at our poor hungry dog and noticed that Ernie (Alex's dog) was really wailing on him. In fact, Ernie had Henry pinned entirely under his body and he was sitting on him.
And...there was a big puddle of something that was growing....
"HEY! Ernie is peeing on Henry!!!!" I yelped.
At first, nobody did anything. We were too stymied as to why Ernie would sit on Henry and pee on him. We just stood there and looked at the puddle grow...and grow...and grow...
Finally Mom got her wits about her and said, "Somebody take that dog outside and then put him in his kennel."
Ernie was whisked out of doors.
I gingerly picked up Henny (his back was pretty wet and his tail was even wetter) and carried him up to the bathroom where I whisked up the rug and deposited him on the floor to play until I was able to give him a bath. He did not like the prospect of two baths in one day, nor did he seem to like the idea of being shut up in the bathroom by himself.
But what do you do when your doggy cousin pees all over you and it's time for your dog mommy to have dinner?
So we had dinner, I gave Henry a bath, the locksmith showed up and we paid him (which our insurance should reimburse us for), we ate the pie, opened Alex's presents (once we got them out of the car), and watched a movie.
And now it's way past my bedtime and I have no idea what I'm doing up blogging.
In Which I Open My Mouth and Promptly Insert My Foot
This afternoon I was sitting here, happily finishing up a really dismal project, when Maintenance Guy came up to me. He was plaintively holding out a green paper, and looked rather lost.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
" much do you know about Excel?"
Trying not to lie and yet still sound awesome, indespensible and smart I said, "I've gotten pretty proficient..."
He looked relieved, "Good. Then you can help me figure this out." He whipped out a green Sharpie and began making oddly shaped boxes on the green paper. "I want the difference of these two numbers, but I want it to be in a separate colum."
"No problem," I said, confidently, and began clicking around on my screen. I opened the drop-down Autosum box and, to my great horror and dismay, there was no subtract shortcut!
Quickly, so as to save as much dignity as possible, I started rambling things about how funny that was that there was no shortcut, and let me see if I can dig up the formula. Maintenance Guy was beginning to look doubtful of my intelligence.
Cheerily I said, "Oh look, here's the formula!" and began doing what I thought was correct.
Note: I have never successfully used a formula before. I am one of those people who usually has a calculator to add or subtract columns. I am not proud of this.
After offering up some feverish prayers, and having the formula come out incorrectly three times, I figured out what I was doing wrong. I fixed it and, voila!, there was the answer.
"Oh, that's not what I want. It can't be a negative number," said Maintenance Guy.
"Well, it has to be, the top number is smaller than the bottom number."
"Well that can't be, these are readings from an electrical meter...I guess I don't even know what I want. I'm going to have to come back later."
After all that potential trauma, at least I figured out how to use a formula. And you know what? It wasn't so bad after all. At least I saved face...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Cherry Pie
Anyway, I made the crust this morning (it takes a bit of trickery to get it to turn out "just so") and it's happily resting in the refrigerator, waiting for me to come home and roll it out. What I'm really excited about is the little cherry cut-outs I have that are especially for pie crusts. (I'm going to use them on the top crust! But anyway.)
Two years ago, I had a cherry pie disaster. When one makes a cherry pie from scratch, one MUST add flour. It's not negotiable. If you don't, you'll wind up with:
a.) cherry pie soup
b.) your dad teasing you unrelentlessly
It is not a good scenario. I'm really paranoid that I'm going to do it again. I've spent the better part of this afternoon combing the Internet for cherry pie recipes so I can compare them to the tried-and-true one from Mom, and so that I can study their ingredients' chemistry. (I'm a cooking nerd.)
Seriously, if I screw this one up I may never be allowed to bake another pie--and I really like to bake pies!! A lot is resting on my shoulders, however low to the ground they may be.